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Deep Dive: Major User Interface Transformation in CMX 7.6

Oct, 22, 2013

You read about the three flavors of analytics we offer with the Connected Mobile Experiences solution last week. One of the key innovations Evyatar discussed is the a completely transformed user interface for onsite analytics, so I want to give you all a closer look at exactly what enhancements are in store for location analytics CMX 7.6 (available later this year).

Redesigned from the bottom up, the UI update came from a strong team effort to  deliver a solution that is not only relevant to our customers, but intuitive and easy to use for business users. Our vision is that anyone from sales to marketing,  from store management to customer operations should be able to use the tool without having the call the IT guy.

The redesign process considered around the needs and learnings of our early customers, with over 20 individual customer interviews and previews, and incorporated input from proven UI and HCI experts.

The most important feedback was from our customers, and we listened! The new UI contains both overt and subtle changes, all tailored from our customers' perspective in order to deliver tools they need to make better business decisions, enhance their customers experiences, improve their operational efficiency and increase their revenues

Some of the major UI innovations coming in this release include:

Analytics Dashboard

A new dashboard introduced to deliver key information at a glance when the user first logs in. The dashboard layout can be configured to display the most relevant information to the user so that they can immediately make use of it within the business.

Dashboard widgets

The dashboard is created by a series of user selected, fully configurable widgets.  Depending on the user needs, many dashboards can be created or can be modified to suit the evolving business needs.

Users can have any number of analytics widgets on one or more screens.

Profile based

All users can define exactly what information, analytics or graph that is most important for their job. Then when they login to the system they immediately are presented with that information they need which is automatically updated.

Different users can configure their dashboard based upon their needs or preferences and change or update it at any stage.

Enhanced graphs

The presentation of information and the graphical layout has been enhanced with a new look and feel in this release.

Improved paths

We have taken a big step with the presentation of the typical paths that devices take, the look and feel has been enhanced and we now who actual paths for the devices as they traverse through the venue.

Modified and extended tool bar

The Analytics toolbar has been revamped with a new look and feel,andprovides greater uniformity and ease of use for the users.

Improved reports

These now run 10 times faster and the richness of the report tool bar has been greatly improved.

Cisco CMX 7.6 is major release focused at giving businesses access to better information, faster and in a manner that is immediately useful to the business. We hope you like our new enhancements and look forward to bringing you more innovations  to make more Connected Mobile Experiences.

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