You need to purchase new software on behalf of your company -how do you decide which product/company to choose? You probably go and check out some vendor websites and ask the opinion of people you know and trust, but would you ask...
A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes....
Guest blog By Christelle Gental, SP Video Marketing Solutions Manager So here we are, back in Amsterdam for IBC 2015. The first busy day was concluded with the prestigious CSI awards, a ceremony which was launched by the Cabl...
I am a snowboard guy. The adrenaline rush of fast, frozen snow is my idea of a good time. So, why am I headed to blistering hot#SpiceWorld2015 in Austin at the tail end of summer? It's simple. I want to demo our fast and furious M...
When it comes to encouraging more students to enter the fields that make up STEM -Science, Technology, Engineering and Math -American faces twin crises. First, how do we meet the looming 1.8 million shortfall in the number of work...
New CEO Chuck Robbins issued a challenge (one of many) when he stepped into his new role this past summer. "I want Cisco to be viewed as having the most innovative employee experience in technology or in corporate Ameri...
This post was written by guest blogger Jean-Philippe Desbiens, 23, a Cisco Meraki consulting systems engineer.Cisco CCNA certified since age 17, Jean-Philippe is now CCNP certified and studying for his CCIE. He is involved in...
I recently received an interesting email from Heiko Bauke about a new C++-based message-passing library that he is working on called MPL. His library aims to make a simple-to-use library that exploits the features availa...
The security of our customers is critical, and when needed, we pull out all stops to protect them. Cisco participates in a large ecosystem of partners, industry peers (yes, that includes competitors), and non-profits that provides...
Delivering on the promise of Big Data and Analytics takes an ecosystem of partners who collaborate to integrate the underlying technologies so your organization can turn data into business value -faster. That's why Cisco and MapR ...
Guest Blog by Ron Graham Ron Graham had served as a Data Center Architect and Systems Engineer for some of the largest IT companies in the U.S. including Cisco Systems, NetApp, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He is c...
In so many parts of life, the passing of time is a benefit. Wine and whisky mature, intelligence is gained, and friendships grow stronger. For those of us working in IT security, however, the passing of time brings new challenges....