With the E-rate filing window deadline rapidly approaching (Form 471s are due April 29th), it's time to get those applications in. If E-rate is new to you, there are many resources available to help you understand the program and ...
If you like the idea of Cisco Spark, you will love it with Cisco Spark Hybrid Services. On its own, Cisco Spark is a compelling tool: I can message, meet, and call and get my work done with all my teammates. Pretty cool. But, not ...
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that their first project accepted is Kubernetes. This is an important initial milestone as this represents the first core functional component of a CNCF solution. ...
There was a time when the network was thought of as a bottleneck to innovation. It is the weakest link in the chain. Its rigid, inflexible and labor-laden infrastructure inhibits growth for the business, productivity for its workf...
Hybrid Cloud. These two words are individually or collectively on the minds of just about every business today, regardless of size. Why? If you're implementing a private cloud, you will inevitably ask yours...
How many times have you gone into your local branch to see someone about a mortgage, or a pension, or a current account and no one is available to see you right away? It happens more often that you think. And the bank often doesn'...
Another busy day of Enterprise Connecting comes to a close in scenic Orlando. With Cisco's announcements and Rowan's keynote yesterday, my Wednesday was a bit quieter than Tuesday. (Not quiet, mind you - just quieter...) Collabora...
TechSpace allows companies of all sizes to rent space in campus environments. So if you're a small company without a lot of capital for an office or if you're a large company that has quickly outgrown your building, TechSpace is ...
The success of cities and communities at large will increasingly depend on a given city's ability to engage in new ways of organizing, providing citizen services, security and governance, and establishing the conditions for modern...
That's right. Without Cisco Spark, we wouldn't be launching the Spark service now. Of course, we'd launch it, but the key is the timing. Now. I'm talking about Spark's impact internally on our ability to accelerate all the la...
Historically, organizations operated using only structured data methodically gathered and maintained within their own data centers. Now they are deluged with data from everywhere -both structured and unstructured -and from an...
When you are passionate about something you are not enticed by recognition or awards -you simply put everything you have into an activity or cause because it means something to you and because you want to see it grow and succeed....