The Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection sent to the Ministry of Justice and the National Data Protection Authority a 20-page document asking for the suspension of the change in the new terms of use of WhatsApp, scheduled f...
The Singapore government has apologised for not stating that contact tracing data collected by the TraceTogether App is accessible to law enforcement. It has introduced legislation that will specify that personal data collected th...
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the EU Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) signed a three-year Cooperation Plan to complement the exist...
The Afgani Ministry of Interior Affairs plans to undertake biometric registration of staff and students at madrasas, Islamic colleges, in the country. There are currently 5000 madrasas registered under the Ministry of Haj and Reli...
According to a report, Denmark is developing a digital 'vaccine passport' for those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine, a move that enables them to travel to countries where such certification is required during the pandemic. Th...
Twitter has suspended Trump's first national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign lawyer Sidney Powell as part of an effort to contain co-ordinated harmful activity. Flynn and Powell have recently promoted the QAnon ...
Twitter banned US President Trump's account, citing 'the risk of further incitement of violence'. Facebook and Facebook owned Instagram have also banned Trump's accounts. In a statement, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that...
India's telecom infrastructure providers' body the Tower and Infrastructure Providers Association (TAIPA) is lobbying the government to have infrastructure personnel categorised as frontline workers for the COVID-19 vaccine. The T...
The Central Bank of The Bahamas recently launched a pilot of the digital currency the 'Sand dollar' which is not a typical cryptocurrency, but a digital version of the existing Bahamian paper currency. The premise behind its launc...
Through a US$60 million World Bank grant that has led to the rollout of fibre optic cables, the government of Haiti has embarked on a digital programme, to give broadband access to 2.7 million people across the country over the ne...
The United States House on January 8th passed three bipartisan bills related to the implementation of 5G onto the Senate almost unanimously. The bills are aimed at providing an edge to the U.S over China in the race for 5G network...
A California federal judge on Tuesday sent to arbitration a proposed class action alleging Uber failed to secure riders' and drivers' personal information after hackers stole 57 million accounts. The reasoning for sending this cas...