Is US policy towards China on microchips supply chains working? Most likely not, according to the Economist's latest coverage. But 'chiplomacy' is taking the top of many diplomatic meetings worldwide as the USA tries to keep this ...
The US has welcomed the January 29th EU release of a list of guidelines and measures for mitigating security risks in the rollout of 5G networks for its member states. The list of guidelines or toolbox highlights what restricts sh...
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced that the Office of the Attorney General of the State of California has requested information regarding the proposed transfer of the .org...
Pivotal Ventures owned by Melinda Gates announced that it will uphold the development of inclusive tech hubs across the U.S. with a USD$50 million investment through Gender Equality in Tech (GET) Cities initiative. 'By building pa...
A bill aimed to provide for the regulation, inspection, and labelling of food produced using animal cell culture technology was introduced in the US House of Representatives. Titled 'Food Safety Modernization for Innovative T...
A medicine designed by using artificial intelligence (AI) is about to enter clinical human trials for the first time. Developed by British start-up Exscientia and Japanese pharmaceutical firm Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, the medicin...
European Union lawmakers voted strongly in favour of common chargers for all mobile devices. A resolution approved by 582 votes to 40, with 37 abstentions, calls upon the European Commission to introduce rules on common cha...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the WhatsApp Pay will be rolled out during the coming six months in several countries. The peer-to-peer, UPI-based payments feature was tested in India in 2018 and had one million users which...
According to IAPP, the Italian Competition and Market Authority has announced the launch of a noncompliance procedure against Facebook in regards to a 2018 order on personal data use. The authority alleges that the company has not...
The High Court has suspended Kenya's biometric ID programme until a comprehensive legal framework on digital ID is developed. This followed a petition by civil society groups and the national human rights institution on grou...
A survey entitled 'Views on the EU digital agenda' conducted by the Vodafone Institute in member states of the EU shows that more than 68% of Europeans believe that legislation and policy has a positive impact on their country's d...