Authored by Rick Huijbregts This blog is the first in a two-part series from our Global Leaders Forum#EducationNow track. Stay tuned for Part II next week. Navigating a New World The education sector is facing a time of unparallel...
I havealways beenenthusiastic about sports.It beganatan early age with Kong Fu,tennis,gymnastics,basketball,and soccer-I lovedthe physical and mental challenges involved in sportsand engagingwith people that sharethesame passion.&...
A report for everyone at every level of security, the Security Outcomes Study was released in December. In the report, we surveyed more than 4,800 IT, security and privacy professionals to find out what matters most in their...
"And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us but what stands before us."From the poem "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman This week, we commemorate Social Justice week and honor those across the globe who stand for it....
Editor's note: This blog is written by Reid Paquin, a Research Director from IDC, and is a part of the Manufacturing Leaders 2021 Trends Series. The COVID effect There is no way to talk about the last year within the manufacturing...
Never before has the healthcare industry been at the forefront of the global stage, and never before has it been this reliant on advanced technologies. Delivering optimised care, protecting sensitive data, and improving operationa...
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it seemed like the world ground to a halt. Not just because travel bans were put in place and lockdowns were applied, but the productivity of manufacturing supply chains were interrupted. Factories ...
For years, the album that sold the most units was Carole King's "Tapestry". Estimates are that this record has sold more than 25 million copies. Rife with well-known songs, an interesting comment made by one of the initial reviewe...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between February 5 and February 12. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summariz...
Hello there. Andrew Sage here, welcoming our Distributors and 2T partners to 2021. Over a long year ago, when we began 2020, I resolved to help our distis and partners meet our mutual goals, and I asked all of you to help our cust...
We're always looking for the "quick wins" in security - whether it's the magic blinky box that you drop into the right place in your network and it stops all the bad stuff (let me know if you find one of those), or the secret inca...
If|you|haven't already seen the Introduction to Terraform post, please have a read through. This section will cover the Terraform Remote Backend using Terraform Cloud.??????? Introduction to Terraform Terraform and ACI??????? ...