Have|you|ever|been to a Cisco Live event? It is one of my most favorite event, because you get the best of the best what Cisco and our partners have to offer: high quality content featuring latest software and hardware technologies, listening and meeting key players in the organization and well-known external guests, and our developer zone!
At Cisco Live there is an own zone for developers featuring sessions, self-guided learning labs, challenges and demos around APIs, programmability and coding.I love hanging out there talking to like-minded people who share the same passion about software. It's also a way to solve your challenges via talking. Knowledge sharing and learning from others is helping me a lot to achieve my goals!
Getting curious? Let me show you my highlights for the upcoming Cisco Live and on which sessions you can find me!
Are you familiar with REST APIs? If yes, then you could control our robot arm! At this Cisco Live event we will feature a brand-new challenge, the Robot API Challenge. In a certain time you need to move a ball (e.g. tennis ball) to its destination and win as much points as possible, but you can only use the REST API to do that. There will be also a small extra challenge and the winner with the most points will be awarded a prize. Protip: Arrive early! If you arenotfamiliar with REST APIs, you can still take the challenge. My protip for you would be... first, take a look at our learning lab on the topic.
I am currently focusing on machine learning and IoT which you can see from my sessions:
If I got you interested, visit the Cisco Live Sessions catalogueand click on attend by entering just the session number from my session in the search filters. If you are attending and even not, follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates of the Robot API Challenge:https://twitter.com/flopachinger!
I hope to see you in Las Vegas!
Register here to attend these sessions online!The Cisco Live broadcast will follow the sun to bring learning and experience to everyone.
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