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Empowering women: Pakistan's president calls for skill development and digital inclusion

Jul, 12, 2023

President Dr Arif Alvi, in a meeting with the Women Business Network delegation, emphasised the significance of empowering women in Pakistan through skill development, digital inclusion, and financial inclusion. He stressed the need for women's active participation across all sectors of the economy and highlighted the importance of women's education for achieving gender equality and driving socio-economic development.

The president called upon the Women Business Network to enhance employment opportunities for women in the private sector and forge partnerships with skill development institutions. He also emphasised the value of women's education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and encouraged the promotion of success stories to inspire and motivate other women.

The president urged concrete measures to address gender disparity and integrate women into economic activities, emphasising the importance of their financial empowerment. The delegation briefed President Alvi on the efforts made by the Women Business Network to empower women socio-economically, receiving commendation for their initiatives in providing job opportunities and fostering financial inclusion for women.

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