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Are you reaching your Digital Potential?

Mar, 14, 2016

As we like to do on TechWiseTV we got a chance to pick and choose among our favorite technologies being featured in this launch focus on the Digital Network Architecture. So as to avoid burying the lead, you will get a chance to experienceEnterprise Network Function Virtualization(E-NFV),APIC-EMupdates and demonstration, the network as a security sensor with a littleLancopeupdate, changes toCMX now in a 'cloud' version, and end to end quality control for applications likeJabber...end to endQoS.

Coverage for all the recentDigital Network Architectureannouncements could only be covered intwoshows.

Quick hits:

Part 1 focused on the DESIGN:

Part 2 focused on the Security and Application SERVICES:

In a broader sense, our original focus was to illustrate a service-centric approach that enabled IT to focus on outcomes.

This approach would be accomplished through 3 areas you should see represented:

  • Insights that leverage network data and analytics for new business innovation and improved user experience.
  • Automation that simplified the network and sped up IT operations. Real-time network events that would drive changes to meet service level expectations
  • Security embedded everywhere with real-time threat detection and quick remediation to reduce risks.

Part 1,with a running time of 22:42covered the benefits of acomprehensive design:

  • Sachin Gupta provides an overview of the Digital Network Architecture.
  • Liad Ofek explains Enterprise Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Ronnie Ray covers the (APIC-EM) Application Programmability Infrastructure Controller

Part 2 was a littleshorter at 17:02. We explore the flexibility offered byvirtualized network services:

  • Kinshuk Pahare covering Network as an end to end security sensor including Lancope integration
  • Darryl Sladden showcased resource optimization with CMX Cloud
  • Ramit Kanda demonstrates the improved user experience now possible with Easy QoS.
    • Ramit Kanda is an Engineering Product Manager for Network Transformation Enterprise Management and Controller group

For more information:
We did two shows but we could not include everything...I cherry-picked what I wanted us to cover. To make sure you did not miss anything, your best bet is the overall architecture page.

  • APIC-EM Controller, along with a couple of downloadable white-papers:
    • Zeus over at ZK Research covered APIC-EM and how it targets simplified network operations.
    • Enterprise Strategy Group wrote a brief on the APIC-EM
    • Enterprise Management Associates wrote an 'impact brief' on the APIC-EM
  • CMX Cloud
  • Enterprise NFV
  • Network as a Sensor/Enforcer

Thank you to our guest experts and their knowledge:

  • Sachin Gupta, Understanding the Digital Network Architecture
  • Liad Ofek, Enterprise NFV
  • Ronnie Ray, APIC-EM Controller
  • Ramit Kanda, Easy QoS
  • Kinshuk Pahare, Security
  • Darryl Sladden, CMX


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