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UK Government criticized by MPs for lack of action on e-waste issue

Mar, 12, 2024

MPs from the Environmental Audit Committee in the UK Parliament have voiced their concern over the government's lack of response to their advice on addressing the increasing issue of electronic waste. A report by the EAC in November 2020 highlighted the detrimental environmental effects of electronic devices. It urged more decisive steps to establish a circular economy for utilizing, reusing, and recycling electronic products. 

The EAC welcomes the consultation launched by the Government on 'E-waste: reforming the producer responsibility system', which proposes holding online marketplaces accountable under producer responsibility schemes like physical retailers. In addition, the EAC supports the proposed introduction of mandatory e-waste collection.

Even with this, the EAC has expressed concern regarding the limited scope of the consultation, noting that it needs to encompass many of the recommendations outlined in the report. These include ensuring the compliance of products sold online with laws, addressing planned obsolescence, and promoting the repairability of products. The Committee has officially communicated these apprehensions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, Steve Barclay.

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