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Three GSMA studies underline the importance of local content and digital literacy in Latin America

Feb, 23, 2023
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the GSMA has presented three reports about the digital divide in Latin America: Digital inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to which digital skills and locally relevant content are the biggest obstacles to digital inclusion in the region; Content in Latin America: Shift to local, shift to mobile, which dives into the topic on why and how to create more relevant local content; and Closing the coverage gap: Digital inclusion in Latin America, which addresses the 'coverage gap' -the challenge of providing Latin Americans with access to mobile broadband networks. GSMA's head of Latin America, Sebastian Cabello, urges governments 'to work with the mobile industry to address the barriers to adoption and ensure that the mobile internet is more accessible, useful and understandable for everyone.'

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