More than two months have passed since Superstorm Sandy devastated communities and lives in the eastern United States and the Caribbean. But Jim Killoran, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Westchester, still shows up a...
Is the product safe to use? I have been asked this question on occasion in a non-technical sense and maybe you have too. In a technical context, I could frame the question as "Are the online services and underlying technologies su...
Video collaboration and telepresence technologies will play an increasingly important role in transforming the delivery of education. "Telepresence expands the learning environment by offering students a virtual window on the re...
As 2012 came to a close, I found myself looking back not only on the events of world at large but also on just how much progress we have made here at Cisco with the Cisco VXI Smart Solution. I took a moment to reflect on the incre...
As we got past the Mayan Apocalyse day and as 2012 comes to an end, a question to reflect upon is if this has been the year of the Converged Infrastructure Solutions. Incidentally, use of these solutions by data center...
Since " 'tis the season" for giving in many parts of the world, and as end of the calendar year approaches, I've decided to finish my working year reflecting upon the biggest "Giving Back" initiative I was personally part of in Se...
Cisco employees are always ready for some friendly competition for a good cause. During our annual Global Hunger Relief Campaign, our desire to give back brings out the competitive spirit in all of us. The Cisco team in Richardson...
Being a resident of San Francisco, one advantage of is the amount of shopping within walking distance. This year several retailers timed their store openings and remodel to coincide with the holiday season shopping, wh...
Takeaway: The Cisco Enterprise Wireless group helps networking and IT professionals stay informed and get the most out of Cisco's products and solutions, while displaying thought leadership on major technological trends. For ...
With the Mayan apocalypse safely behind us, now we can now safely discuss MPI again. An MPI application developer came to me the other day with a potential bug in Open MPI: he noticed that Open MPI was consuming vast amo...
Last week, a friend of mine jokingly asked me, "So, what is Santa bringing to Cisco's wireless customers this holiday season?" I couldn't help but grin because I already knew what many of you are now aware of: Santa's wireless hol...
2012 has been a great year for social media marketing at Cisco! The organization as a whole is really starting to experience the value of social intelligence, social engagement and social reach which were our key objectives this p...