Getting|started|with|network automation can be tough. It is worth the effort though, when a product like Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) can to turn your network services into a powerful orchestration engine. Over the pa...
Introduction During our threat hunting exercises in recent months,we've started to observe a distinguishing pattern ofmsiexec.exeusage across different endpoints. As we drilled down to individual assets,we found traces of a recent...
Cisco DNA for SD-WAN and Routing subscription software has been around for the better part of three years now. If you are one of the many customers that took advantage of this subscription back then , you are faced with a decision...
This blog is part of our series that focuses on the people behind Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Cisco. Each blog highlights a different Cisco employee whose work makes a positive impact on people, communities, or t...
Financial institutions have to be vigilant in the face of a continually evolving cybersecurity threat landscape. As these have attacks have evolved, regulatory bodies have updated their regulations to account for the increasing th...
Cisco's effort to power an inclusive future for all is not solely focused on enabling digitisation for businesses, but (as stated within our Annual Purpose Report) looks to act boldly and deliberately to drive fairness, inclusion ...
Virtual care comes in many forms and the term covers a multitude of use cases and workflows. We find that providers can deliver better remote care, at lower cost, when they standardize on a virtual care platform with the ability t...
Malcolm Gladwell Getty/J. Kempin Malcolm Gladwell doesn't think people working from home is a very good idea. The best-selling author made the points when appearing on the Diary of a CEO podcast, where he noted that t...
Parallels Desktop 18 pros and cons Pros Now lets you download and install Windows on Arm Improved performance on Apple Silicon Backwards-compatible with Intel Macs Cons Pro and Business Editions require sub...
The Enduro 2 is Garmin's ultimate watch for endurance athletes. Matthew Miller/ZDNet Early this year, I had the chance to try out the fantasticGarmin Fenix 7X Sapphire Solar watch and loved that I coul...
Colin Angle, iRobot CEO Image: iRobot Editor's Note, August 8, 2022:Back in 2017, we conducted an exclusive interview with iRobot's CEO Colin Angle about Roomba privacy issues. Last week, Amazon announced its acquisit...
Image: Getty Images/Xavier Lorenzo Apple has just released iOS 16 beta 5 has introduced the battery percentage to the iOS status bar after shifting it to Control Center in the iPhone X and later. The battery perc...