After the meeting of the EU Council and strong disagreement from ambassadors of member states about the text of copyright reform, the final stage in the process is postponed. There were 11 countries against the current ...
The Catalan government released proposals for regulating ride-hailing apps, including a 15-minute wait time between a user booking and being able to take the transportation. The time proposed did not attend the taxis drivers who r...
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and former US Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work wereappointed to co-chair the US National Security Commission for Artificial Intelligence. The Commission was established by the National Defense Autho...
Zimbabwe authorities extended a communications ban to cover e-mails on Friday morning, following the Internet shutdown earlier in the week. Econet, the largest mobile operator in the country, stated they were served with another d...
Stressing the importance of internationalised domain names (IDNs) as part of a special reportDomain names on a multilingual internet, Viviane Reding, former EU commissioner for culture, information society and justi...
In order to raise awareness and better inform EU citizens about their consumers rights, European Commissionlaunched call for tender for creating communication campaign which aim is to inform EU consumers about their rights. As a r...
A new report,Internet Freedoms in Palestine: Mapping of Digital Rights Violations and Threats,shows a decline in Internet freedoms in the Palestinian Territories, focussing principally on attacks on the freedom of expres...
France and the UK have announced plans to 'strengthen links in the tech sector and artificial intelligence'(AI). The two countries intend to organise a digital conference (or digital colloque) in 2018, to bring together their lead...
The Federal Trade Commission(FTC) released its annual report for 2017 comprising its privacy and data security work. The FTC has authority to enforce a variety of sector specific laws, including the CAN-SPAM Act, the Children's On...
According to areport recently released by Ponemon Institute, and sponsored by IBM and Arxan, around 80% of Internet of Things (IoT) applications and 71% of mobile applications are not tested for vulnerabilities, raising security c...
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) issued a report on blockchain technology and security. The agency analised the security benefits, challenges and good practices in a technology of distributed ...
According to a new legislation, Vietnam's Ministry of Information and Communications reserves the right to block 'ill-intended and toxic' information. According to a 2013 government resolution, this kind of content includes 'anti-...