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Malawi suspends passport issuance amid suspected ransomware attack

Feb, 23, 2024

The Malawian government has interrupted the issuance of passports for the past two weeks following what appears to be a ransomware attack on the immigration service's computer network.

President Lazarus Chakwera confirmed that hackers have demanded a ransom, but the government remains resolute in its refusal to comply, stating it will not 'appease criminals' or engage in negotiations 'with those who attack our country.'

As of yet, no information has been disclosed regarding the identity of the perpetrators or whether any data has been compromised.

President Chakwera expressed optimism that the immigration department would devise a temporary solution within the three-week deadline imposed to resume passport issuance. Additionally, he outlined plans for implementing long-term security measures to safeguard the system against future threats.

While this is not the first time passport issuance has been suspended in the country, the recent pause coincides with heightened demand as many citizens seek employment opportunities abroad.

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