A doctor in California diagnosing a patient in Africa. An Ohio woman on vacation accessing her medical records from an emergency room in London. A patient's vital signs being monitored remotely from a hospital on the other side of...
We're 13 years into the new millennium and we still don't have flying cars, house cleaning robot maids or refrigerators that talk back to us. Not everything predicted for our Jetson-like future came true - or maybe not as qu...
This Wednesday, we're kicking off a great webinar series that will walk you through the Cisco Unified Access solution. With the five-part series, we're breaking down the one policy, one management, one network story into technical...
By Mark Loesel, Cloud Solutions Marketing, Cisco I hope that you are able to join us at Cloud Connect this week in Santa Clara as we have much to share with you. Cloud Connect is a great show that attracts more than 4,000 industry...
In the next few weeks we have a couple great webinars coming up, we've recently been investing in our community, the Unified Access Challenge was extended until April 26, and the Supervisor 720 Engine for the Catalyst 6500 turned ...
The Cisco and Microsoft joint Cross-Animal Technology Project, a well-established player in the field of multi-species collaborative initiatives, is pleased to introduce its next project: a revolution in High Performance Computing...
In my March 18thpost, I wrote about a series of Cisco educational webinars on the challenges and opportunities ofcloud computing. Two of the webinars take place soon -April 9 and April 17 -so you might want to "check them out." In...
With the industry's drive toward personal and wearable devices, soon people will be walking around with smart glasses, watches, phones, and even shoes. Not to mention they'll be driving networked cars. In the future, the task of s...
Multiple readers have told me that it is difficult for them to understand and/or visualize the effects of latency on their HPC applications, particularly in modern NUMA (non-uniform memory access) and NUNA (non-uniform network acc...
Or in IPv6 speak, you're an "A", for Awesome Today Supervisor 720, the most widely deployed Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Engine, turns 10-years old. Supervisor 720 was launched on March 31, 2003. It enabled me to be the first modular ...
For those who are on the learning curve on various aspects of network programmability, open networking and SDN (like we are), I'd like to invite you to the third in a series of educational webicasts on these topics. Brought under ...
"Applications?" I hear you say. "Why are Cisco talking about application? They're a networking company!?" If this is what you are thinking, I'm glad you are reading this blog. As we've broadened to be...