Edu-ca-tion Fast For-ward (EFF), an orga-ni-za-tion, spon-sored jointly by Promethean and Cisco, that brings together lead-ing global experts and change agents from the world of edu-ca-tion to dis-cuss 'the top-ics that mat-ter mo...
Continuing my tour of the Cisco Domain Ten(SM) framework for simplifying data center transformation, with this blog, I'll build upon my previous blogs and introduce Domain 3, which is concerned with "Automation and Orche...
This holiday season, the Urban Entertainment Institute, Cisco and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) have joined forces to address the achievement gap in education, the dropout rate and the need to keep performing art...
Create community. Drive cross company collaboration. Raise the corporate security consciousness. Educate! These were the major themes present at the synergistic 5thannual Cisco SecCon held December 5-6, 2012, at Cisco's corporate ...
We've posted this before, but in honor of the end of the Mayan calendar and the destruction of the world which was forecast for today we're posting it again. In our mind, not having any more IP addresses would be a terrible event ...
I joined the Cisco Global Social Media Team in February of this year (2012). It has been one wild ride on this team with LaSandra Brill as my manager. The learning curve has been steep and the team dynamics great. ...
Hunger reveals itself in different ways in different corners of the globe: In India, where 43 percent of the country's children are underweight, students line up in their school cafeteria for what may be their only meal of ...
Success in retail hinges on a deep understanding of consumers. Anticipating their wants and needs - then offering the right product, in the right place, at the right time, and for the right price - has always been paramount. To tr...
Welcome to a tour of Cisco's Social Media Listening Center! Welcome to the Social Media Listening Center (SMLC). We've developed this exhibit to show our commitment to the voice of the customer. By being present in the social web ...
Drawing from a recent read of "Case 1: The Seeds of Dysptopia" in the World Economic Forum 2012 Global Risks 2012 Seventh Edition, it's now more than apparent than ever that the impact of crime and terrorism in the digital world i...
In this blog, let us take a look at how Catalyst access switches profile the various connected devices and make the information available to various network services. Many devices like laptops, IP phones, cameras etc. are connecte...
This is my first year as an attendee at the Gartner DC conference. I've been here once before working demos on the tradeshow floor, but this year it's purely about information gathering. Tradeshows floors are great. &n...