So you want that internship (at Cisco) but you're not sure how to go about it? Never fear, Jackie Shuler is here (interviewing with me)! She's the University Relations Lead -East at Cisco, and she gave me some great tips and insig...
In his most excellent bookCollaboration,Morten T. Hansen identifies several barriers to good collaboration. One of these barriers is cultural in nature and is called hoarding. Hoarding is where an individual or team keeps kno...
Where We've Been When Judith Davis and I co-authored Data Virtualization: Going Beyond Traditional Data Integration to Achieve Business Agility in 2011, we identified the five most popular Data Virtualization usage patterns at th...
2015 was a wild year in technology advancements and decay, and there is no reason to think that 2016 won't follow suit... We have seen the biggest tech acquisition in history with Dell snapping up EMC for$67 billion; HP splitting ...
With the increased interest in cybersecurity and the recent news that utilities are being targeted around the world I'm making sure our readers have seen the latest white paper to come out of the Cisco 'Brain-Trust' on securi...
Since the late 18thcentury, innovations have fueled modernization in industrial engineering, management and processes that have shaped manufacturing businesses we know today. From manual tasks' mechanization through moving assembl...
Last month, Japan's Kenichi Ito broke the world record for the 100 meter dash -running on all fours -with a time of 15.71 seconds. Known as "the monkey man," having perfected the art of moving like a monkey on the ground, Ito spri...
Over the past six months or so, many of my blogs have dealt with the hot topic of "digital disruption" - both as a threatandan opportunity for companies, regardless of industry. Several industries already find themselves inside th...
Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility strategy prioritizes the issues that are most important to our business and to our stakeholders, identified through a formal CSR materiality assessment. We use the Cisco CSR Report t...
I've spent a lot of time on the road over the last few months. Europe. Asia. Canada. Latin America. And everywhere I go I talk to our partners. The one constant: frustration over their ability t...
One of the major burdens in today's Data Center is the management of complex IT environments. It requires considerable staff time to configure, deploy, and manage application infrastructure. Increasingly Automation and Programmabi...
A new year- and time for new initiatives and a chance to fast start your competitiveness as a manufacturer. According to our recent Manufacturing Thought Leadership Study, digital manufacturers who have connected their factories ...