The US Patent Act, like many other legislations, limits patents to humans. However, with the rise of the AI, and recognizing the need to adapt, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) recently issued notices seeking public comm...
Poloniex cryptocurrency exchange has requested a password reset to its users following a data leak on Twitter. A list of email addresses and passwords has been discovered online, and spreading with the claim that these credentials...
Mozilla has announced rolling out changes under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to all Firefox users worldwide. According to ZDNet, this change will allow all users to request that Mozilla deletes Firefox telemetry data...
Islamic State supporters hijacked dormant Twitter accounts to spread terrorist propaganda, TechCrunch reported. The hackers tweeted and retweeted materials such as Islamic State fighters wielding weapons or texts praising violence...
In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Restoring Internet Freedom Order repealed the 2015 net neutrality order and restoring the classification of broadband Internet access service as a lightly-regulated informa...
Provisional measures signed by outgoing Brazil president, Michel Temer, in the end of December, initiate the process for the creation of a Brazilian data protection authority. As reported byZDnet, the creation of the agency had be...
Ben Wallace, British Minister of State for Security at the Home Office, claimed in an interview with a British news outlet that Internet companies are'ruthless profiteers', costing the governments extensive resources as they fail ...
AccordingBloomberg, Google moved
DR Congo continues its shutdown of the Internet and SMS as anti-government protests continue. Services were cut as a preventive measure by the telecommunications ministry, as President Joseph Kabila did not step dow...
Areport recently released by the Internet Society shows that, as of November 2018, 89% of all top-level domain names (TLD) have signed their zones with Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). While all new generic TLDs ha...
A DDoS attack on BBC's websites during New Years Eve has been claimed by an anti-Islamic State group called New World Hacking. The organisation stated that it has carried out the attack as a 'test of its capabilities'.
Samsung The holiday season may be over for now, but as we enter 2023, US retailers are taking the opportunity to offload excess stock -- leading to some great tech bargains. In the Samsung outlet, for example, th...