With the growing demand of e-commerce delivery, the urban last-mile delivery emissions and traffic congestion are on track to increase by over 30% in the top 100 cities globally. Therefore, the World Bank investigates the interven...
According to TechCrunch, around one billion medical images containing the personal health information of patients are now available on the Internet. These medical images include for instance X-rays, ultrasounds and CT scans, among...
According to TechCrunch, Amazon has announced having sacked several of its employees after they shared customer data with a third-party. However, doubts still remain about the position of the employees, when the information was sh...
According to a news release published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the approval of a new ITU standard (ITU L.163) will pave the way for high-speed broadband services to be brought to rural communities t...
As part of the legal case between Google and the French data protection authority (CNIL) on the enforcement of the right to be forgotten at the global level, the advocate general of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently gav...
Iranian government control has shut down social media and disrupted internet access in response to recent protests over the past two weeks. The new controls show an 'unprecedented ability for the nation to shut down diss...
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and Lookout published a security research report on a malware espionage campaign that steals hundreds of gigabytes of data via mobile devices. The program, which was running s...
TheIGF 2017 Report, prepared by the Geneva Internet Platform, with support from the IGF Secretariat, ICANN, the Internet Society, and DiploFoundation, is available.
The director of educational enterprise at the University of Birmingham in the UK argues that big data analytics holds substantial promise for improving higher education. The increased use of data analytics is hoped to enable stude...
According to therecently released World Report on Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) by EURid and UNESCO, IDNs now comprise 3% of the world's domains, with a total number of 8.7 million IDNs registered as of December 2016 (with...
TheUS government has closed the antitrust investigation on Verisign concerning the .web generic top-level domain (gTLD). In January 2017, the US Department of Justice asked Verisign to provide information about its potential opera...
New International Telecommunication Union's standard provides basis for high-quality Voice over LTE (Long-Term Evolution). A new ITU standard highlights the key factors influencing end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) for voice com...