Upon receiving requests from many members of parliament to amend the draft law, the Tunisian Ministry of Interior withdrew the biometrics identification bill from the Assembly of the Representatives of the People. Since ...
Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Information Technology haslaunched a web crawler -'Cyber Drone 9' -to identify, and prevent access to, offensive online content. The crawler is an automated software, powered by machine le...
Researchers from several corporate and university centres have revealed critical vulnerabilities in the processor chips made by lead vendors, such as Intel, AMD, ARM and Qualcomm. The two exploits of these vulnerabilities, present...
Uber and the Roads and Transportation Authority (RTA) in the Emirate of Dubai have signed anagreement under which Uber becomes fully regulated by the RTA. According to the agreement, Uber will be able to use 14,000 vehicles ...
World Economic Forum "Global Risks Report 2017" identified rising cyber dependency among top 5 trends that determine global developments. The report also labeled massive incident of data fraud/theft and large-scale cyberattacks ar...
The European Telecommunications Standards Institutehas launched an Industry Specification Group on cross-sector Context Information Management (ISG CIM) for smart cities applications and beyond. The group will work on developing s...
Google launched the beta version of its Cloud Key Management Service (KMS), which enables admins to manage their encryption keys in a cloud-hosted solution without maintaining an on-premise management system. Amazon Web Services (...
ICANN published theresults of its annual survey measuring the satisfaction of IANA functions customers regarding the services they receive. In particular, the survey measures satisfaction in relation to documentation quality, proc...
The Joint Communique: 12th AU-EU Human rights dialogue issued in Brussels is expressed in 17 points. Point number 15 is of particular importance to Internet rights and the freedom of expression: 'Both sides committed to promo...
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released areport outlining the result of a policy review it conducted over the course of 2016, and which was focused on the zero-rating (called 'sponsored data') plans offered by T-Mo...
The US Department of Transportationannounced the creation of an advisory committee focused on automation. The committee will work on 'some of the most pressing and relevant matters facing transportation today, including the develo...
A discussion of fundamental rights and consumer protection, and how to protect citizens' personal data is presented by EurActiv.com, as it comments that EU and US divisions over data protection threaten ag...