Welcome toanother episode of Engineers Unplugged. This week's topic is Next-Gen Storage, handled admirably by Cisco'sJ Metz(@drjmetz) andStephen Foskett(@sfoskett). What will the topology of the future look like? What is the tech ...
Did you post a selfie that was photobombed by John Chambers? What about tweeting more than 170 times a day to be the top of the leaderboard? Cisco Live -referred to as "summer camp for grown-up geeks" - was a hotbed for social me...
Within many organisations offering online services to the public, there must be a great temptation to expire redundant user accounts that occupy desirable user IDs but which are never used by their users. Presumably the user IDs h...
Your car GPS alerts you on an accident and automatically found the best detour. The car ahead of you suddenly brakes and your car adjusts automatically. Your car alerted your mechanic that something is 'not quite right...
This blog was originally published on the Huffington Post As I watch the unfolding story of cyber outlaw Edward Snowden skipping around the globe, I'm struck by the talented young man who employers "fought over," despite the fact ...
Cisco today introduced Application-Centric Infrastructure as the vision for Next Generation Data Center architecture, built for both today's physical and virtual workloads as well as tomorrow's highly dynamic Cloud-based, and perf...
As I partake in Cisco Live! activities, I wonder how the network team handles the thousands of geeks with their 3-4 geek toys each connecting to Wi-Fi from anywhere around the convention center. I know a thing or two about h...
Today, at Cisco Live! in Orlando, we shared a vision for a revolutionary networking architecture that will transform data centers and usher in a new era ofApplication-Centric Infrastructure. The realization of this vision wi...
Hi Everyone! My trusty film crew and I are here at CiscoLive! Orlando. It has been great so far with the launch of the new Cisco Catalyst 6800 Series, Cisco 4451-X, Cisco ASR 1000-AX, and Sup8E for the Catalyst 4500! Over th...
It's summertime. For most people, the warmer temps and holiday weekends are the perfect excuse for a vacation. But have you ever traveled to an amusement park or exotic destination only to wait in line for hours for the hottest ri...
This week I had the privilege of speaking at Cisco Live 2013 about the coming explosion in connectivity among people, processes, data, and things, which Cisco calls the Internet of Everything (IoE). This massive technological and ...
Thinking about remote site networks in a totally new way. This week Cisco announced a new member of the Integrated Services Router family. The ISR 4451-X might not seem that unique at first glance. Here's Cisco releasi...