If you've read any of my past blogs, you'll know I focus a lot on the economic impact of Cisco UCS. Today I'm comparing the TCO of hosting data intensive workloads on-prem vs. in the public cloud. What started out as a 2RU rackmou...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're discussing the Cisco Champion Program. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode's do...
Change is essential if you want your business to be able to meet the evolving needs of your customers. To succeed, you need to be able to innovate faster than your competitors. At the same time, however, rapid change and rising co...
For Cisco engineers, last week was about as inspirational as it can get. We held our annual Pioneer Awards, Cisco's most prestigious accolade for innovation. These awards are presented annually to the teams or individuals who have...
On 21 October a complex and sophisticated global DDoS attack was launched against US DNS provider Dyn, using a botnet of just 100,000 IoT devices. Despite Dyn's quick response, countless customers including some of the world's big...
Every year as QCon San Francisco approaches, I get excited to look at new innovations and learn from bleeding-edge enterprises that are using new technologies to give their companies a competitive advantage. It's hard for me to be...
It was an honor to sponsor and attend theInternational Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 123rdAnnual Conferencein San Diego, California a few weeks ago. The event had a great turnout of more than sixteen thousand,&n...
Do your peers consider you to be a thought leader based on your strong technical knowledge of Cisco products and technologies? Do you maintain an active online or social presence to interact with others and share what you know? C...
I've learned more about trademark rules in the last year than I probably ever wanted to. I'll explain. About two years ago, Cisco acquired Metacloud, the company I worked for, along with a team of brilliant engineers, product mana...
Rockwell Automation Fair: Atlanta Georgia, Georgia World Congress Center -Nov 9-10, 2016 There's never been a better time to embrace the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), or Industrie 4.0 than now, all while confidently extend...
Recently, I met with many industry analysts, customers, and press at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo. In numerous conversations, I was asked about the organizational implications of changing company culture and how this relates to digital...
This post was authored byNick Biasini Over the last six months the exploit kit landscape has seen some major changes. These changes began with Nuclear ceasing operations in April/May and arrests in Russia coinciding with the end ...