If you were driving a race car without brakes, chances are you'd keep your speed in check.How else could you manage the corners? Pushing the pedal-to-the-metal on the straightaways and actually reaching the car's peak performance ...
According to Wikibon, only 10% of internal IT workloads represent true private cloud. The private cloud is simply a virtualized environment, lacking the characteristics that we associate with public cloud, such as user self-servic...
Hello all, As you can well imagine, the routing team is buzzing with enthusiasm as the new Cisco RV340 Series launches with great anticipation. The idea for the new models started a few years ago, as a blank piece of paper. This p...
Vulnerabilities discovered by Talos Talos is releasing multiple vulnerabilities discovered in the Aerospike Database Server. These vulnerabilities range from Denial of Service to potential remote code execution. This software is...
In law enforcement, minutes can literally mean the difference between life and death. Time really is of the essence for Public Safety agencies when responding to the daily mix of crimes, accidents and emergency calls. Fortunately,...
Guest Author: Brad Casemore IDC Research Director, Datacenter Networks Whether resident in traditional datacenters or -increasingly -in the cloud, applications remain the means by which digital transformation is brought to fr...
Recently, I posted a Tweet with a photo of my colleague Melissa Holder and I enjoying a screening together of the blockbuster movie,Hidden Figures. After discussing this film more with other colleagues, I decided to write this blo...
Retail has one of the highest turnover rates in any industry. The Hay Group reports a median turnover rate of 67 percent for part-time retail employees.[1] I doubt any of us would be too challenged to list the problems driving thi...
S'mores by the campfire. Cocktail hour and sunsets. Your favorite meal cooked by mom. People, processes, and technology. What do these all have in common? Sometimes the classics are timeless because they just work. Resilient. Alwa...
How can you take advantage of new network virtualization and security innovations to help accelerate digital transformation in your organization? As I flew from San Francisco to Berlin, Germany this week to attend our annual Ci...
As we face the biggest network disruption in 25 years, these tools can help light up the path ahead for IT leaders "Digital transformation" often sounds like the latest buzz, but it's not. Everything -and I mean "everything" -i...
Over the next two years organizations will transform their network for the digital era in increasing numbers. In fact 45% of organizations1are expecting to already have digital-ready networks in two years -triple the number today....