Everyday, hackers and cybercriminals are infiltrating networks. And they are especially interested in healthcare. That's because stolen medical records are profitable, selling up to 10 times more than credit card numbers on the bl...
Project FIRST is lead by Angel M. Villegas. This post is authored by Holger Unterbrink. Talos is pleased to announce the release of the Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool (FIRST). It is an open-source framework th...
In the world of cybersecurity, many organizations have implemented some version of the 'identify, protect, detect, respond, recover' framework proposed by United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Underp...
By Timothy D. Harmon, M.S., CCNA R&S, Security+CE, Cisco Champion Cisco Tech Day is similar to Cisco Live but on a much smaller scale. Cisco Live is a conference held over four days usually at a convention center with several ...
In 2016, the Customer Success Talk webinar series brought together a wide array of influencers and decision makers from Cisco partners, both large and small. Our subject matter experts focused on the business case for customer suc...
Much to the dismay of countless business leaders everywhere, innovation doesn't just happen by magic. Creating a pervasive innovation culture within any organization takes time, effort, and strong leadership. But if the importance...
Technology has the ability to expand opportunities for students in both K-12 and higher education. It can extend the classroom beyond its physical footprint, offer alternative ways for students to learn, and provide increased acce...
One is a sport apparel retailer while the other is a software company. "What can they possibly have in common?" you may ask. Both have a common IT goal, and that is to extend their enterprise network to AWS cloud, but for very dif...
"The Wi-Fi market has been moving to controller-less solutions, and Cisco appears to be walking the controller-less management walk." This statement by Zeus Kerravala, who wrote this statement for an article he penned for Network ...
London Financial CentreOver the past few years, I've attended Gartner's Data Center Conference in London (see 2013, 2014, and 2015 !). As always, it was a very informative couple of days with some surprises, and one or two "I...
Paella, Tapas, Spanish reds, thin slices of Iberian Ham, Antoni Gaudi, and a twisty walk through the Gothic Quarter. Yes, I'm talking about Barcelona! And it was there, in the "Head and Hearth of Catalonia" where the 2016 European...
There is a great deal of focus in the world today on gender equality. Women are being given an equal chance to prove themselves, to work their way up the corporate ladder and hold executive leadership positions. If they so c...