2019 is almost here and it's now time to think about how you can come back refreshed and ready to transform for the new year. We all know, the way customers buy, use and consume technology is rapidly changing. To stay competitive,...
As the networks running today's organizations continue to expand, implementing consistent security across those distributed environments has become increasingly challenging. Networks today are comprised of on-premise resource...
December 11, 2018 Dell Technologies Stockholders Approve Class V Transaction ...
DevNet's|been|around for less than five years, but we love hearing that you think we've been around forever. What is a DevNet year like? Help us take a look at everything we built together this year. January We kicked-off o...
There's been a fundamental shift in the technology industry over past 3-4 years with "applications and software-defined everything" dominating IT philosophy. The market continues to move towards a cloud native environment where de...
We're witnessing digital transformation all around us, and it's driving fierce competition, new challenges, and compelling opportunities in every industry. In our last blog, we talked about some of the ways business are using the ...
Codemotion|is|one of the largest technical conferences in Europe, with an international network of 570,000 developers and 3000 speakers from all over the world. This year they held conferences in Berlin, Rome, Madrid, and Milan, a...
"If you cannot measure it,you can not improve it"- Lord Kelvin The field of machine learning is progressing at a break-neck speedandnew algorithms and techniques as well as performance improvements are being published at...
Messaging applications have been around since the inception of the internet. But recently, due to the increased awareness around mass surveillance in some countries, more users are installing end-to-end encrypted apps dubbed "secu...
This is the third in a seven-part series on migrating business communications services (e.g., Business VoIP and Unified Communications) to the cloud. In our second blog,"Take the risk out of cloud calling: cut-over & migration...
For the myriad ways that an endpoint could be exploited, there's just no way that a single technology will provide comprehensive protection. Without the visibility of your entire threat landscape and without the control to detect,...
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has approved the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Cyber Ops certification program for anyone who works in a Cyber Security Service Provider (CSSP) analyst or incident responder role. Cy...