Yemen with 28 million citizens lost access to the internet along with the Red Sea region which experienced slow to nonexistent connectivity due to a cut of an undersea cable. Multiple submarine cables usually serve different regio...
GSMA released two reports that look at Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in two developing countries: Jordan and Uganda. The reports showcase how mobile money-enabled CVA is being leveraged in each country and demonst...
The government in the United Kingdom (UK) is to amendThe Data Protection Bill in order to protect security researchers working to uncover abuses of personal data, removing this way criminalisation of legitimate research. As media ...
Prime Ministers of Japan Shinzo Abe and Estonia Juri Ratas agreed in Tallinn that the two countries will cooperate on cybersecurity. In particular, Estonia will assist Japan to prepare for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, while both co...
The US House of Representatives passedForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), renewing the National Security Agency's warrantless Internet surveillance program for six years, with minimal changes. The final vote, 256 to 164,...
Ant Financial, China's biggest online payment company and an affiliate of the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group,has apologized for default enrolling of its users in a tracking program called Sesame Credit, which monitors personal rel...
Hackers have breached into the servers of Cellebrite, Israeli-based company that offers services of breaking into protected mobile phones which confirmed the breach. Almost 1TB of company's data about customers -but also about com...
The Marshall Islands have faced the Internet blackout since December 28 when the undersea fibre cable malfunctioned. The reduction of bandwidth has decreased by 97 %. The National Telecommunications Authority limited the access to...
On 13 January 2016, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE) adopted a Recommendation on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality....
The newly released 2016 World Development Report refers to the Internet as both a subject of co-operation and a new tool to facilitate co-operation in other realms. One such realm is the provision of global public goods, which req...
The US authorities have seen an increase in cyber-attacks that affect industrial control system networks over the past year, saysthe US Department of Homeland Security's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team. In...
The construction of a submarine cable system between Nigeria and Cameroon has been completed and has gone live. The cable has been built to meet the growing demand for broadband in the two countries (Cameroon having an Internet pe...