Despite the sale and import ban Apple got in Munich last month, thepatent lawsuit initiated by Qualcomm was dismissed by a regional court in Mannheim this month. The German court did not find violation of Qualcomm patent rights by...
The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) publishes anew report: 'Creative Economy Outlook: Trends in International Trade in Creative Industries' The report demonstrates that growth in the creative sector remains stable....
SingHealth and Singapore's public healthcare sector agency (IHIS) have recently been finedwith penalties amounting to one million dollars, after a data breach incident in July 2018. A cyberattack had led to 1.5 millions patients' ...
Bhutan has launched its first Internet exchange point (IXP) called the Bhutan Internet exchange (BtIX). According to theKuensel online news platform, the BtIX will serve as the single hub to keep all local traffic by Internet serv...
In a press conference on China's financial policy, Lian Weiliang, the deputy head of China's National Development and Reform Commission,highlighted China's determination to continue investing in artificial intelligence, Internet o...
The government of Zimbabwe blocked access to social media platforms and the Internet, according to Internet users in the country. The shutdown came after five people had been killed in clashes between demonstrators and security fo...
Tech-related violence against women lacks easily accessible open source support resources for digital security, according to Technology-related Violence Against Women and Girls in Sri Lanka: Key Trends, including lack of...
The British Parliament is planning to launch an inquiry into fake news. Sessions with executives at Facebook, Google and Twitter are expected to be planned by late spring or early summer. According to Damian Collins, who chairs th...
Areport from the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)looks at whether and how states are protecting their nuclear facilities against cyber-threats. It is underlined in the report that nuclear facilities are increasingly digitized, and,...
In the World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends, the World Bank voices concerns about the protection of net neutrality principles, particularly when it is faced with initiatives as Facebook's Free Basics. Although 'care sh...
Image: Getty/Erikona It's a new year, a time when many people look to turnover a new leaf and make some positive changes. Sadly, not everyone. In particular, it seems that ransomware gangs show no signs...