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Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe helps bridging the digital divide in education

Nov, 13, 2023

Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe provided Internet access in 48 higher and tertiary learning institutions in Zimbabwe through establishing Wi-Fi zones where students mostly assemble in cafeterias, halls of residence, and sports fields. This is part of Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe's Edu-Zones free Wi-Fi initiative that supports the development of tech skills and digital literacy in Africa. It further includes equipping students with 21CSkills -an online learning platform offering state-of-the-art skills training and development programmes on the latest technologies for African students, start-ups, and developers. 'We believe every individual on the African continent has the right to be connected. This is ... why we launched Edu-Zones. Almost 18 months later students and teachers from 48 learning institutions across the country are benefitting from high speed, reliable internet connectivity that is critical for both curriculum and studies. This has resulted in vastly improved exam pass rates and career opportunities across the student population,' said Regional CEO of Liquid Telecom's Southern Africa Region Wellington Makamure.  

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