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UTSA hosts NSF AI Spring School to develop next-generation AI talent

Mar, 06, 2024

AI researchers, industry leaders, and students are convening at the inaugural NSF AI Spring School hosted by the UTSA Matrix AI Consortium for Human Well-Being. This event is part of the ExpandAI partnership between UTSA and the AI Institute for Edge Computing Leveraging Next-Generation Networks (ATHENA). The week-long initiative aims to cultivate the next generation of workforce talent by upscaling established research and education programs at UTSA and showcasing various career opportunities in AI to students.

Dhireesha Kudithipudi, the McDermott Endowed Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UTSA and founding director of MATRIX AI, emphasises the goal of reducing entry barriers for students and focusing on strengthening AI research capacity, specifically in neuro-inspired AI, a strength at UTSA.

Moreover, Panos Markopoulos, Klesse Endowed Professor in the UTSA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, introduces federated learning, a training approach where a main model is taught on devices or servers across different locations.

UTSA's growth trajectory in AI is highlighted, and the Spring School allows students to explore AI as part of their future careers. UTSA doctoral student Tej Pandit, presenting his research during the event, draws inspiration from the brain to enhance AI development for applications like adapting to and operating in natural disasters. Pandit aims to spark curiosity in attending students, showcasing the direct interaction with AI technologies and the potential for problem-solving in the field.

Why does it matter?

As the global demand for skilled AI professionals rises, a well-rounded education becomes indispensable for preparing individuals to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing AI revolution. These academic endeavours, by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, offering forward-thinking curricula and engaging with educational institutions, not only arm learners with essential technical skills but also empower them to lead and innovate in the transformative domain of AI. In the competitive arena of AI advancements, education emerges as a pivotal factor, enabling individuals, organizations, and nations to effectively navigate the intricacies and unlock the full potential of AI.

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