SMARTEN (Serious gaMes for digitAl Readiness of waTer EducatioN) is an Erasmus+ programme that targets higher education and water topics training. This two-year project proposes practices based on serious games in education while addressing the subject-specific of water. SMARTEN aims to impact digital water education by (1) leading to better use of digital technology in teaching and learning of water subjects, (2) developing skills and competencies necessary to support the digitalization of water education, and (3) supporting young water professionals who are leading the digital transformation of the water sector. The project results from a collaboration between higher education institutions and business partners in the European water sector. The following partners support the project: Norges Milj?-og Biovitenskaplige Universitet (Norway), Univerzitet U Nisu (Serbia), Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece), and H2O-People / European Junior Water Programme (The Netherlands), and Water Europe as associated partner.
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