The emergence of Zero Trust has shifted the center focus of some security frameworks from securing the perimeter to protecting sensitive data. While both are extremely important, this shift to a sensitive data-centric framework ha...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between August 17 and August 24. As with previous round-ups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize t...
Store shelves are crammed with lunchboxes:PokemonandPaw Patrol,Spiritand mermaids, and superheroes of every stripe. While the designs available have changed over time-myJosie and the Pussycatslunchbox definitely lacked bento-style...
Requirements Overview In the previous blog post, we went over the common requirements for partitioning a single physical security appliance into multiple virtual firewalls. We talked about how this logical separation brings a lot ...
I'm proud to work with a diverse and talented team of people who comprise Cisco CHILL. Today, I've asked Whitney McGowan, our amazing user experience designer, to share what it means to design an experience focused on the user, ...
Most Mondays lack motivation.This particular Monday, after having woken up to our six year old English Shepherd mix Tucker pouncing on me, was not all that different. Until I sat down to check my emails and one caught my eye -Cisc...
As we have discussed in this series, enterprise and service providers are consolidating network services from dedicated hardware appliances into virtualized on-demand applications running on branch office software with centralized...
Global banks are adapting fast to a changing world. With new compliance rules from the US and tighter regulations nearly everywhere else, there's a lot to keep up with. Clients might not see the big differences up front, but behin...
The Data Symposium is my favorite time of the year! Seriously. I look forward to summer vacation and the winter holiday as much as the next person, but as someone who lives and breathes data every day at Cisco, there is nothing I ...
Solving the cybersecurity skills gap is difficult -but as an industry, we have a responsibility to educate the next generation who grew up with technology that wasn't necessarily designed for security! In July, Cisco partnered wit...
Work doesn't begin and end in the office. Many of us begin working as we wake in the morning. We take calls from the car, respond to messages as we commute, and share files while walking to our desks. A world of possibilities -as ...
In this episode, our Cisco Champion host Denise Donohue discusses Stealthwatch with TK Keanini and Sandeep Agrawal. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode in SoundCloud SUBSCRIBE on iTunes and listen to all episodes of Season ...