At Cisco, we are on a mission to help our customer embrace digital transformation-deploying new capabilities to help them make money or save money in new ways. The network is the foundation for digital transformation, and mobility...
A year ago, Apple and Cisco announced a partnership to transform business through mobility. Lofty goal to be sure. Since then we've been hard at work behind the scenes. Over the summer, more than 30 customers and partners - rangin...
Organizations differ - often radically - in the kind of collaboration solutions they need. And the solution today needs to be flexible to adapt to what comes tomorrow. Agility in technology is key to agile business. Your organizat...
By Ted Rose, Operational Security, Service Provider Video Software and Solutions, Cisco Many (if not most!) service providers identify illegal streaming as the next big threat to their business. The problem is that in the multi-fa...
What do you get when you have 17,000 students and 2,000 staff accessing the network across 28 buildings? A. Reliable, high-density wirelessB. Visibility across the entire networkC. Cloud based management and controlD. Stress-free ...
A soccer ball without a player is useless. A violin without its musician is just a bit of wood and wire. And a beautiful new security deployment, no matter how advanced, needs skilled people to configure and operate it properly. T...
Globally, cyber crime is skyrocketing. No matter what business you are involved in; cyber criminals are looking for ways to infiltrate your business for profit. Retail establishments are targeted for credit card theft, motion pict...
As consumers, we're aware that we live in an increasingly connected world. It's all around us. More and more we just expect things to work. So why shouldn't we expect the same in our business relationships? Why should we wait for ...
There has never been a better time for the Media and Broadcast Industry. As viewers demand more compelling and engaging live productions, broadcaster's workflows continue to become more complex, whether live or in the studio. You ...
For more than a decade, Cisco has tracked and projected global Internet traffic growth and associated networking trends through the Visual Networking Index (VNI). From day one, the Zettabyte has been a benchmark that our analysts ...
Recently, Gartner named Cisco a leader in its 2016 Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications. For this report, Gartner measured both the ability to execute and completeness of vision for unified communications amongst ten top...
No, this is not a greeting card holiday for which gifts are given (at least not yet)... but it is quite a milestone of IP traffic growth. The Internet and all things IP have become ubiquitous in our lives over the last 20 years wi...