Hello and Happy Holidays to you around the world. As we get closer to the end of 2016, we thought it would be fun to highlight a new medium for you that we have been working on. We are lucky to have an incredible group of interns ...
Incredible to see what a year can do- especially, when you're sitting at the unique-cross section of tech and media! I can't help but feel nostalgic-it's that time of year of course-when we look back at what we've accomplish...
Customer interaction is getting personal. As a consumer, I want the best possible service I can get. In just the last few years, I have seen service move from being a phone call with a representative to interactive voice response ...
The year is about to end, but the hard work of our labor keeps on bearing fruits. From several customer successes at the beginning to Best of Interop mid-year,andnow, we're wrapping up 2016 with two more industry certifications fo...
Over the last year, more than 4,000 people from our partner community attended a Customer Success Talk webinar and joined us on a journey to create customers for life. In addition to sharing practice-building tips and tools, the s...
Digital learning solutions have the power to transform the K-12 classroom, especially for schools that have lofty education technology goals. A great example of this is Wayne Highlands School District. Like many schools in Northea...
In this blog series, I've explored the key role leaders must play to successfully build and nurture an innovative culture throughout an organisation. For many leaders, particularly those running large, well established businesses,...
Whatever word you choose to describe 2016, boring won't be one of them. From changes in political arenas across the globe to beloved public figures passing away to the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series and ending 108 straight...
Vulnerabilities discovered by Talos Talos is disclosing two denial of service vulnerabilities (CVE-2016-9036 & CVE-2016-9037) in Tarantool. Tarantool is an open-source lua-based application server. While primarily functionin...
In Cisco Services, we are passionate about connecting the unconnected -so I'm always impressed when I see innovation aligned to this goal. And with service providers globally continually striving to differentiate their business, i...
For a company as large as Cisco, we truly feel like an interconnected family every day, but especially when the seasonal traditions from around the globe are celebrated! Celebrating holidays to ensure everyone feels included, we ...
Collecting a half-dozen engineers in a snowbound mountain cabin is a surprisingly effective way to get creative. So are Friday afternoon "break talks" with engineers lounging, connected by a video wall to coworkers in other locati...