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Samsung ordered to pay $142 Million in 5G patent case

Apr, 18, 2024

Following a recent patent case, a federal jury in Texas determined that Samsung Electronics has to compensate G+ Communications with$142 million for violating patents associated with 5G wireless technology in its Galaxy smartphones.

This ruling came about after Chief US District Judge Rodney Gilstrap annulled a previous$67.5 million judgment in favor of G+, prompting a three-day retrial. The fresh verdict specifies$61 million for one patent infringement and$81 million for another. G+ has expressed contentment with the verdict, while Samsung has refrained from providing a response thus far.

G+ initiated the lawsuit in 2022, accusing Samsung of utilizing its technology without proper licensing. Samsung refuted the allegations, arguing that the patents were invalid and that G+ hadn't offered licenses on equitable terms.

Why does it matter?

This legal dispute highlights the intricate terrain of essential technology patents in the context of the 5G era. For Samsung, the$142 million payout represents a significant financial hit, affecting its bottom line and potentially influencing its business strategies moving forward.

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