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Papua New Guinea Partners with China for digital transformation

Apr, 21, 2024

Papua New Guinea takes an important step towards its digital future as it signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China.

The agreement, announced by ICT Minister Timothy Masiu and formalized in Port Moresby, aligns with PNG's pursuit of digital transformation, as per the Digital Transformation Policy 2020, Digital Government Act 2022, and the PNG Government Technology Stack.

The MOU's timing is critical as PNG gears up for transformative projects like Broadcasting Migration, the eGovernment Portal, and Digital ID Wallet.

It also lays the groundwork for cooperation assistance areas like digital government, cybersecurity, AI, and smart cities, leveraging Chinese expertise. The partnership promises to enhance PNG's technological infrastructure and position the nation as a leader in digital innovation in the Pacific region.

Why does it matter?

Papua New Guinea's recent MoU with China, alongside, for example, last year's collaboration with India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), reflects PNG's proactive approach to harnessing global expertise and resources to bolster its digital infrastructure and services.


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