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Indonesia teams up with Microsoft for digital transformation

Mar, 14, 2024

The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics has partnered with global technology giant Microsoft to accelerate digital transformation initiatives nationwide. This collaboration, aimed at realizing Indonesia's ambitious 2045 Golden Indonesia vision, encompasses various areas, from enhancing digital talent to modernizing government services.

Through this strategic alliance, Indonesia aims to boost its domestic digital market and emerge as a key player in global digital technology development. The partnership is poised to drive economic growth and innovation, with projections indicating a substantial boost to national economic growth by 2045.

It encompasses various initiatives, such as advancing digital skills, improving infrastructure, digitalizing government services, ensuring responsible governance of AI, and enhancing personal data protection. This collaboration was formalized by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and Microsoft Indonesia.

Why does it matter?

Indonesia's 2045 Golden Indonesia vision represents an ambitious aspiration to position the nation among the top global economies. Achieving this will require a comprehensive modernization across various sectors. Public-private partnerships, such as the one with Microsoft, have demonstrated an effective strategy in accelerating national development agendas, where governments can leverage private sector expertise and innovation to address complex issues.

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