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Experts join Regulating AI's new advisory board

Jun, 26, 2024

Regulating AI, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting AI governance, has announced its advisory board's formation. Board members include notable figures such as former US Senator Cory Gardner, former Bolivian President Jorge Quiroga, and former Finnish Prime Minister Esko Aho. The board aims to foster a sustainable AI ecosystem that benefits humanity while addressing potential risks and ethical concerns.

The founder of Regulating AI, Sanjay Puri, expressed his excitement about the diverse expertise and perspectives the new board members bring. He emphasised the importance of their wisdom in navigating the complexities of the rapidly evolving AI landscape and shaping policies that balance innovation with ethical considerations and societal well-being.

One of the organisation's key initiatives is developing a comprehensive AI governance framework. That includes promoting international cooperation, advocating for diverse voices, and exploring sector-specific AI implications. Former President of Bolivia Jorge Quiroga highlighted the transformational power of AI and the need for effective regulation that considers the unique challenges of developing nations.

Regulating AI aims to build public trust, align international standards, and empower various stakeholders through its board. Former US Senator Gardner underscored the necessity of robust regulatory frameworks to ensure AI is developed and deployed responsibly, protecting consumer privacy, preventing algorithmic bias, and upholding democratic values. The organisation also seeks to educate and raise awareness about AI regulations, fostering discussions among experts and policymakers to advance understanding and implementation.

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