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Blue Origin completes its fourth space tourism flight

Mar, 31, 2022

The crew prepares for the New Shepard's fourth manned flight to space.

Blue Origin

Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos' space company, successfully launched its fourth space tourism mission on Thursday, taking six passengers into outer space. The trip, which lasted 10 minutes and four seconds, is another milestone for Blue Origin, one of the leading firms in a quickly-growing private space industry.

The engine rumble and a smooth ascent to the cosmos for the crew of#NS20

- Blue Origin (@blueorigin) March 31, 2022

Thursday's trip was the 20th mission for New Shepard, Blue Origin's reusable suborbital rocket system that's named after astronaut Alan Shepard. Launching at 8:57:55 am CDT, the New Shepard reached a maximum ascent velocity of 2,236 mph. The crew capsule reached an apogee of 106 km AGL (above ground level), putting it just past the K

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