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Best tech podcasts: Listen and learn

Apr, 25, 2022

No matter your interest or level of experience, and whether you prefer your hosts serious, silly, or somewhere in between, there's a tech podcast out there for you. 

Our favorite tech podcasts offer a little bit of everything. Presented in alphabetical order, take a look at the best tech podcasts out there and where you can find them.

1. Accidental Tech Podcast

Apple with some extra features 

Find it:Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Castro, RSS

Three self-described nerds talk about tech, Apple, programming, and related topics. The Accidental Tech Podcast incorporates information about technology and current events alike. Informal and likable, hosts Marco Arment, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa give updates about Apple and Apple products from a fresh and honest perspective. 

Fans of Apple but not fanboys, as one reviewer put it, the hosts of Accidental Tech Podcast criticize and praise features and products. They also offer reviews of Apple TV+ content. Weekly episodes typically last two hours apiece.

Start here:In Episode 476, the hosts did a dive into Mac Studio upgrades and thermals, Studio Display engineering, and the latest rumors and theories about Mac Pro.

2. Black Tech Unplugged

Stories about Black tech excellence

Find it:Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Google Play, Stitcher

Hosted by Deena McKay, Black Tech Unplugged came to fruition after McKay found herself alone in the tech world. As she met more Black individuals in technology, she wanted to tell their stories, share their adventures, and cultivate a community where tech meets Black culture.

Black Tech Unplugged welcomes guests once or twice a month to talk about their successes and failures in the tech sector. Episode length ranges between 30 and 50 minutes. Episodes include CEOs, entrepreneurs, and innovators to inspire and empower individuals in the tech industry alongside those aspiring to enter the tech world.

Start here:In Episode 56, McKay talked to the CIO of the White House Office of the United States Trade Representative, Celestine Pressley, about her journey as an IT professional and the first Black person and woman to hold her current position. 

3. How I Built This


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Innovation and inspiration

Find it:Wondery, Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Hosted by Guy Raz, NPR's How I Built This podcast features innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists who talk about the movements they built. Each episode combines narrative content with interviews to offer insight into how well-known companies

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