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AI and global divide: Chancellor Scholz's message to UNGA78

Sep, 20, 2023
Source: UN Photo Library,

In his address at UNGA78, Germany's chancellor, Olaf Scholz, underscored the immense potential of AI, but also drew attention to the associated risks. Scholz pointed out the potential for AI to exacerbate global divisions, either through the monopolization of its benefits by a select few or due to the limitations of its algorithms in comprehending the full scope of reality. Notably, Scholz emphasised the necessity of establishing common regulations for the use of generative AI as a potential weapon.

These concerns have motivated Germany to actively engage in the Global Digital Compact, an initiative dedicated to fostering international cooperation in the realm of digital technology.

The Global Digital Compact is a proposition outlined within the Common Agenda by United Nations Secretary-General Ant

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