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African organisations collaborate to support digital skills training for women

May, 23, 2023

South Africa's African Women in Supply Chain Association has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with C?te D'Ivoire's Women in Logistics and Transport organisation (WiLAT) to cooperate in delivering tailored entrepreneurial digital skills training for women in logistics and supply chain. The partnership will see the two organisations develop a programme to unlock the continent's potential through entrepreneurship and opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement.

The programme will require developing relevant supply chain and logistics entrepreneurship skills to effectively harness the opportunities presented by the AfCFTA, particularly for the continent's youth and women. It would also promote a student exchange programme based on mentorship and coaching, which would see supply chain and logistics students from C?te d'Ivoire visiting South Africa for a skills transfer and exchange mission, and the same for South African students. The entrepreneurial element of the training is offered to emerging entrepreneurs in the same area, focusing on technical skills relevant to the AfCFTA and business and supplier development.

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