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CITAD is concerned about the lack of digital access for 27.1 million Nigerians

Mar, 04, 2024

The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has sounded the alarm on Nigeria's stark digital divide, highlighting that a staggering 27.1 million Nigerians remain without access to digital connections. This concern was underscored by CITAD's Executive Director, Yunusa Zakari Yau Sa'id, during the inauguration of a 'Hello World' Digital Hub in Jama'are, Bauchi State. CITAD's ambitious initiative aims to establish 20 digital hubs across Nigeria by year-end to combat digital exclusion. The inauguration of the Jama'are hub, the second after one in Abuja, marks a significant stride towards narrowing the digital gap, with plans underway to expand this initiative nationwide.

The digital chasm in Nigeria looms large, with over 50% of the population grappling with the absence of telecom infrastructure. This deficiency stems from various factors, including device scarcity, women's apprehensions about internet usage due to harassment and privacy issues, and infrastructure inadequacies. CITAD's proactive measures to address the digital divide include the development of a Network Tester app to gauge signal strength in communities and advocacy for policies fostering community networks.

Why does it matter?

CITAD's initiatives and advocacy underscore the pressing need to bridge Nigeria's digital divide. By building digital hubs, championing supportive policies, and empowering communities, CITAD strives to ensure more Nigerians gain access to and reap the benefits of digital technologies, which has been shown to reduce extreme poverty and boost GDP per capita growth.

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