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ChatGPT to be used by cybercriminals, cybersecurity experts warn

Nov, 13, 2023

ChatGPT, recently created by OpenAI, has alarmed cybersecurity experts. Essentially, this chatbot is an optimising language model which assists users in generating human-like text. Cybersecurity experts have warned that there is a high chance that cybercriminals could use this model to teach them how to craft cyberattacks. Suleyman Ozarslan, the co-founder of cyber resilience organisation Picus Security, tested the chatbot by describing its tactics and techniques of ransomware without using the word ransomware as such. ChatGTP generated a text which provided the 'pieces' for ransomware. Namely, Ozarslan stated that the chatbot wrote effective virtualisation/sandbox evasion code that hackers could use, eventually enhancing cybercrime.

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