When it comes to working with a new API or technology, the learning experience provided by the vendor can have a significant impact on the success of their customers. Having worked with dozens of different APIs over the course of my career, I have experienced the highs and lows of implementing a new solution using programmatic interfaces. Some of the toughest times I have had involved products with minimal documentation, no shared code samples, and no active community of API developers with knowledge to poll. On the other hand, some of the best APIs I have worked with have thorough documentation, plenty of examples to get me started, and a strong community of fellow API developers eager to help me on my journey to success.
When it comes to network security, being able to integrate an array of products into your security suite can be crucial to ensuring a security incident is efficiently detected and mitigated before major damage occurs.
Being able to understand the true nature of each host and its baseline behavior, as well as efficiently responding when hosts deviate from their expected behavior is a critical facet of network security. With capabilities like advanced threat detection, accelerated threat response, malware detection in encrypted traffic, and more, Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise has proven to be a powerhouse for end-to-end visibility and vital to the success and security of thousands of businesses and enterprises across the globe. As the need for API development continues to grow each day, so does the need for proper resources to enable these developers to be as successful as possible utilizing these programmatic interfaces. With so much important data, telemetry, and analytics inside a single tool, it makes obvious sense to extend those capabilities with an API.
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